August 16, 2011

'Rithmetic + Rainier

We just returned from Seattle, where we proudly observed our second son defend his dissertation.  The complex mathematical formulas were Greek to us, but he sure did look good and sound smart.  It was fun to bask in the reflected glory of his success.  (Photo is by Steve's cell phone.  Not the greatest, but we didn't dare distract son or professors by whipping out a real camera!)
Then we were off, with son and soon-to-be daughter-in-law to Mount Rainier National Park for an overnight backpacking trip to Grand Park.  The views of Rainier were impressive.  This shows the north side of the mountain, about 8 miles from the peak.  We were able to view the Liberty  Ridge route, (prominent steep ridge to the right) by which our 2 sons summitted a couple of years ago.
Flowers painted the meadows.
With moonrise came a ground-hugging mist.  The guys insisted on sleeping outside. 
Their sleeping bags were frost-covered in the morning. The ladies had more sense and slept in the tent!


  1. Beautiful images. I should return sometime.

  2. I'm impressed. Congratulations as well. BTW, my son has been following your blog too on his iPod Touch. He very much enjoys the photos. (He's ten.)

  3. you and Steve should be proud of your sons accomplishments. Undoubtedly he takes after both of you.

    I am in awe of these gorgeous mountain views.. you always wow me, Janie; thanks.


  4. I love how you got the silhouettes of those two giant pines to frame the mountain perfectly. Gorgeous.

  5. Hi Janie, Congrats to your son. I know you all are very proud of him...

    Visiting Mt. Rainier is also on our LONG list of places to see. WOW--those pictures are awesome. Love the first one of the mountain --and that second one with the wildflowers is also awesome.

    Can't believe those guys slept outside... Brrrrrr--I'd be FROZEN.

  6. Congratulations to your son. Your photos of Mount Rainier are amazing. I think you were very wise to sleep in the tent. Frost on sleeping bags is a bit much for me.

  7. Congratulations to your son. I love your photos of Mt Rainier, Janie. And the wildflowers which you always manage to capture so beautifully. Makes me want to visit your wonderful world for real. Blessings, Jo

  8. Congratulations to your son on both his dissertation and his forthcoming nuptials. You were privileged to be present at his viva voce.
    I smiled at the thought of the men sleeping outside - that's what my menfolk do, too. Are they trying to prove something? Barry always claims that he loves to look up at the stars and breathe the clean air. Well, so do I, but I still prefer to sleep undercover!
    Mount Rainier is so beautiful.

  9. Congratulations to your son for taking the PhD--and for his professorial or professional plans. And what a great campout/celebration.

  10. Congratulations! How wonderful that you were able to witness his success!

    The countryside sure is pretty and Mt. Rainier is a beauty.

  11. Congratulations on your son's completion of his degree! Parents deserve to bask in the glow of grown kid's successes! Love your photos of Rainier - the days and night look perfect.

  12. Congrats to you and your son. Your photos are breath taking! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Congratulations!
    Thanks for sharing those great shots as well.

    Cassy from Beginner Free Guitar Lessons

  14. Definitely a proud ( if incomprehensible moment!). And congratsbon getting a new daughter-in-law!

  15. You have raised a 'smartie'!!!! I love that all your kiddos love the outdoors too, what a great hobby to pass down. Hobby? I mean, a way of life.
    Beautiful views. I don't know if that tent would have been enough 'indoors' for me. :)

  16. That's quite an accomplishment for your son. Years of work finally rewarded. I love those mountain hikes and campouts.
    Also wondering if the comment section on my second blog is working. I tried changing the comment setup.

  17. congrats to your son.....beautiful photos...

  18. Congratulations to your son, sounds very impressive. Quite an honor that you got to be there.

    What a hike, I'd of been very sore in the morning sleeping on the ground, tent or no tent.

  19. Congrats to your son! What a wonderful backpacking trip to celebrate. Great photos!

  20. Wow Janie, an overnight backpacking trip at Mt Ranier... I'm so jealous! Gorgeous pics in this post and your Thursday post too. Love the pasqueflower, what a pretty flower. I did an overnight llama pack trip once, in NM, up by Taos, down into the Rio Grande river valley. It was so much fun, and so beautiful.

    Would love to do something like this again, maybe longer, for 2 or 3 nights. :-)

  21. 2 words:
    congrats (to your son) and
    jealous! (camping at Rainier)!
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  22. Congrats to your son! That's a great way to celebrate! We have some chilly and frosty mornings during our two week camp in Yellowstone.

    We looked and looked for moose and never found one, even in the Tetons and around Jackson. Good excuse to go back for another visit, though!

  23. Beautiful photos! I especially like the one with the moon and the mist on the ground. But of course the Mount Rainier ones are gorgeous as well. Congratulations to Eric too. :)



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