May 15, 2016

Buckhorn Wash Pictographs

The Buckhorn Wash pictograph panel is on a dirt road, easily accessible.  The slant of the cliff above partially protects the panel from weather.

This sign was under a slanted sun cover.  Sorry the light and shadow make it hard to read.  The picture shows the full extent of the panel and explains that 2 different ancient cultures are represented in the art.
 As you can see in examples to the side of the warning, much of this panel was vandalized.  The sign below explains a little about the painstaking repair efforts:
Here is some of the rock art followed by photos of explanatory signs: 

I didn't take a photo of an actual pictograph to go along with this sign, but it's interesting because snakes are commonly seen in rock art:
This last one is a petroglyph, pecked into the rock instead of painted on like most of the panel:
We can only guess at the meaning of this prehistoric art, but it does give us a glimpse into the life and times of the native people who once lived here.


  1. Beautiful panels. I love the mystery of them.

  2. So interesting. I think I've been using pictograph and petroglyph interchangeably. I cannot imagine vandalizing these treasures. What kind of person does that?

  3. These are amazing! Thank you Janie and I am at a loss as to why people would want to vandalize such treasures.

  4. Thank goodness there are ways to repair the ignorant vandalism of these marvelous panels.


  5. Fascinating! And wherever found new questions arise...



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