From an early age, our son Seth was a deep thinker.
His thought processes didn't always follow the expected course, however.
For instance, at age 4 when attending a preschool graduation in a church, he wasn't looking at the cute kids getting awards and diplomas. He was too busy studying the vaulted ceiling and asking, "How does somebody get way up there to change those light bulbs?"
He would invariably demand an answer to profound questions while I was hurriedly weaving through traffic on the way to soccer practice or other activities. One question I recall was, "If an elephant fell out of an airplane and landed on the pavement, how big of a splat would he make?"
As I said, not run of the mill thinking. Nowadays, we'd call it "outside the box."

From in his toddler years, he was a hard worker.

Ever the jokester, he was the kid making faces in most of our family photos.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, I cannot locate his kindergarten class's group shot, where all the kids look sweet and innocent, smiling politely -- except little Seth, who was stretching his lips sideways and making a horrid face!
The other parents noticed, of course, and tried to sympathize...
even while chuckling and shaking their heads.

He loved the outdoors. One of his first words was "side", meaning "I wanna go outside!"

He was quick to learn,

a helpful brother and son,

a fine runner and soccer player, a hiker, skier and climber.
(Seth in middle, all 3 practicing Zoolander "look".) He's all grown up into a handsome, confident man, but he hasn't changed so much.

He still loves the outdoors,

He's still fun and funny.

He's an integral part of our expanding family.

And now he has a lovely family of his own,

including a son who shares his date of birth and his love of a mountain sunset.
We're proud of both of our birthday boys!

Boy 1

Boy 2
Best wishes for a happy day and an outstanding year.