The “Grave” marking on a Topo map for the Tabby Mountain area intrigued us, since we can’t recall seeing such a designation before. We decided to check it out. The immediate area is a checkerboard of fences and gullies, mostly covered in sage and cow pies. At the exact GPS reading, located at the lip of a 20 foot gully, was a hole in the ground with beams strewn around as if an old dwelling had decayed there.
Why was the “grave” marked on the map? The cartographer may have asked the locals if they knew of any springs or landmarks. With some prompting, perhaps someone finally recalled an old hermit who lived and died out there. And since the area is rather barren, the cartographer had nothing better to put down, so he shrugged and made the addition.
But if it was a grave, what happened to the body? Your guess is as good as mine.
Huh, interesting. That should've been a halloween ride. :)