November 10, 2010

Panhandler on the Green

When we stopped for lunch on our Green River hike, a jay kept squawking at us from a Ponderosa pine tree. At first we thought he was a Gray (camp robber) jay, since those are known for hanging out around people, begging for food.
We baited him with a few crumbs (gee, can you believe there's yet another critter who wants our measly PBJ sandwiches?), and he cautiously flitted down, eventually gobbling up the treat.  He was much more circumspect than the Gray Jays we have met. A closer look identified him as a Steller's Jay. Here are better looks at his bright feathers:
his fancy topknot:
and his handsome profile:
Also known as the Long-crested Jay, Mountain Jay, and Pine Jay, it is the only crested jay west of the Rocky Mountains. A Steller's Jay raises its crest as a threat display, or for showing off to attract a mate. Like all jays, the Steller's Jay has numerous and variable calls. Its alarm call is a harsh nasal "wah". It also imitates the cry of the Red-tailed Hawk and Red-shouldered Hawk. This tends to run off the competition at prospective feeding areas.   (information from Wikipedia


  1. Being able to imitate a hawk...Wow! That's one clever bird. Very pretty, too. Yes, you two do have a knack for attracting hungry long as you're bigger than they are, you should be okay - ha!

  2. Ah the lovely and racous camprobber. Love their beautiful blues. See them regularly at the canyon. Nice captures of these smart corvids.

  3. Great snaps of the Steller's! I'm wondering where your bird dog was during the bird's visit? Was Daisy still fishing?

  4. The Stellar's Jay is a beautiful bird, but like most Jays a bully, loud, obnoxious and chases away most of our other birds. However, Ione day last week, when a Sharp shinned Hawk came to visit, they left quietly. ;)

    Gone Fishin' post: beautiful scenery and gorgeous dog.

  5. Beautiful jay, Janie... The Steller Jay is such a gorgeous bird... Love his colors and the crest is beautiful...

    We have Blue Jays around here during the spring and summer --but they disappear during the winter..... They are quite aggressive --but don't seem to scare my other birds away.

    Thanks for sharing..

  6. These are wonderful pictures of the jay. I didn't realize that PBJ was so popular.

  7. That looks like a bird who knows what it needs. Blue birds are like that.

  8. Your panhandlers are nicer than the ones I deal with, and better looking, and easier to please.

  9. Steller's Jays are way cool. I can actually say I've seen one, on a brief visit to Colorado. The handful of new life birds I saw on that trip made the journey worthwhile, as it was also on that trip I discovered I can't breathe at altitude where all the best scenery is. Anyways, absolutely love your photos of this awesome jay! :-)

  10. That's a very good post...I love birds. We do not have the bright, colorful birds found further south. I so enjoy seeing them.

  11. Crazy, silly jays! We had a family who took over our feeders this summer in Truckee. Actually, the White-headed woodpecker was pretty strong-willed and chased them off often, but they juvies were pretty cute. I still like 'em :) Jays are beautiful birds, well, the Brown Jay is kind of boring... ha!

  12. Woah those colors are gorgeous. I'm always amazed by your pictures.

  13. Fantastic captures of the Stellar's Jay. I love them. Great post.

  14. He is GORGEOUS!!! I would share with him for sure.

  15. Beautifully colored bird. I've never seen a real one but your many, beautiful photos let me see it like it would be real. Great shots.

  16. Your shots of him are beautiful, Janie. You must have been thrilled to have him come so close.

  17. You got some great shots of that handsome fellow Janie, almost looked like he was posing for you.

  18. They are beautiful birds. It seems to me that they were once much more common in the lowere elevations of the Sierra than they are now.

  19. I've only actually seen a stellar jay once, at Price Recreation Area. But I've seen lots of pinion jays and mountain bluebirds. I love your pictures today, great shots.

  20. I saw my first Steller's Jay a couple of weeks ago in the mountains. It was so camera shy. You got some great shots of that colorful guy!

  21. Wonderful post about the stellar jay, Janie!

  22. I like the fancy topknot photo...looks like you scared him stiff.

  23. VERY interesting about the Stellar Jay, and great images of him! We saw one on a hike during our recent Washington State/Oregon vacation, but weren't able to get a decent photo. How clever it can imitate hawk calls!



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