R is for range-ready response.

On one of our off -trail rides through rugged riparian zones, a ragged branch ripped my riding regalia. Steve, my ever-ready rough rider in charge, rapidly pulled out the raw material every red-blooded American rowdy refers to in times of emergency: Duct Tape.
See (above) how well a few (w)raps resolved the issue?

Of course, later, the refined member of our family (me!) released the duct tape with relish, restored the real fabric and reintegrated it into its original symmetry.
Sometimes duct tape is required to reinforce boot gaiters:
Or when a rivet gives way, a redneck relies upon duct tape and cable ties to assure reactivation until the
(w)recked entity can be re-welded:

When a camper screen door has a rift in it, duct tape is the on-the-road recourse:

I'm not even going to go into all the uses for Velcro here, but I will report that they are many and renowned (although perhaps not in a good way).

Ready for anything, that's my redneck repairman. He will recycle and reconstruct, rebuild and reclaim, repeatedly reconoiter and research revitalization, whether reasonable or not.
Note: Steve is a southern boy with a reputation for never relinquishing anything that might be re-used. I have reluctant but real respect for his ability to rectify and recondition.
For more of Denise Nesbitt's ABC's, click
I can't imagine why you removed the duct tape... :)
ReplyDeleteduct tape--no saddle bag should be without it.
ReplyDeleteThis is a really rousing recitation of readiness and repairs in rectifying ripped and ruined resources.
ReplyDeleteThis is so funny and I REALLY admire Steve in his recycling and reusing!!!
ReplyDeleteThe final note was the best part! Redoubtable!
ReplyDeleteDuct tape is a basic essential for any outdoor person. My husband repairs ski gloves and coat rips with it (I do NOT remove it!).
ReplyDeleteLoved this Red-neck repairs rendition. Clever and what would a guy do without duct tape?
ReplyDeleteResourceful rescuer! Very great "R"post! And a gripping story too.
ReplyDeleteI think duct tape is the BEST tape of all... It has so many uses!!!!! I almost put a piece over one of my son's mouths one time when they were talking a tad too much!!!!! ha ha
LOL! Really reliable stuff that Duct Tape. With that to hold things together and WD40 to get things apart what else do you need, oh maybe a little bailing wire.
ReplyDeleteThat Steve is a smart and resourceful repairman.
Great use of your "Rs" once again. Great way to increase your vocabulary.
Love those "r's"! You have one predictable repairman! Good 'ole duct tape!
ReplyDeleteDuct tape can also hold a tourbus together!
ReplyDeleteLove your R's!
Watched a programme about Inuit using traditional fishing methods through the ice. How was the spear point held to the pole, duct tape. What every outdoor repair person needs. Great post.
ReplyDeleteI think my old VW bug was repaired many times with duct tape.
ReplyDeleteYou once again reveal how resourceful you are! Really enjoyed your rs.
ReplyDeleteI thought rope would be part of the tool kit! I know so little about the open country.
Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrright on! That was fun. I love it on the horses. So ghetto. So much fun.
ReplyDeleteThis is great! Enjoyed it. Duct tape is often used in just about every project you can thing of around here. It seems to fit in quite well.
ReplyDeleteDuct tape - the ever-ready remedy for real repair jobs. You have a great way with words! :D
ReplyDeleteCreative twist. Enjoyed seeing yet another way duct tape came to the Rescue.
ReplyDeleteYou know, you could have matched the color with the new colors of duct tape. Wonderful stuff
ReplyDeleteToo, too funny! And, incredibly amazing! Your ability to illiterate words is beyond my imagination!
ReplyDeleteLoved the infusion of humor too!
That Steve seems like a keeper! Love learning about the riding gear, too!
ReplyDeletegotta love duct tape
ReplyDeletegotta love duct tape
ReplyDeleteI can understand the man, we are hamsters too, from found nuts, washers scraps of metal through the whole gamut to bits of fabric. Somewhere, sometime, it may come in handy.
ReplyDeleteYour post made me giggle. It should be rrread aloud by a pirrate ;)
ReplyDeleteI have no idea how people ever existed before duct tape!
ReplyDeleteYou've ridded the rip quite rightly.
ReplyDeleteyou sure do have a way with words that begin with the letter R! A nice interesting variety of them!
ReplyDeleteFunny story about the duct tape too.
: )
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ReplyDeleteOy, even duct tape couldn't repair my first reply.
ReplyDeleteInspired by your lead photo I applied some Monkey Tape to one of my favorite pairs of shoes. (Normally I'd use duct tape but monkey tape is even stickier.) :)
Where would we be without duct tape?
ReplyDeleteGreat writing once again, Janie.
Repair, recycle. Rallying words! My favorite red boots are duct taped. Resourceful is a good word. Nifty post and photos!
ReplyDeleteGotta love duct tape. :)
ReplyDeleteMy husband can fix just about anything too. It's a wonderful talent, isn't it? Only problem is, he's always bringing home something he's found that he can salvage so every so often we have to take a carload of goodies to a church that has two huge garage sales every year.
Reminds me of a "Red Green" duct tape episode (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BSDZJSKiVI ). Love 'at stuff.
ReplyDeleteCaulk is pretty good too!
ReplyDeleteRealllllllly?? That's so resourceful! You're too funny - that would take me forever to make all that up. Here's one for you: What's a pirate's favorite letter? Rrrrrrrr ha ha ♥
ReplyDeleteOne of our sons gave us a tear-off daily desk calendar with 365 uses for duct tape. I have duct tape holding a tool in place on my 1976 Hoover vacuum cleaner (b/c a notch broke off) which now resides in the garage.
ReplyDeleteMy hubby, too, likes to "recycle and reconstruct, rebuild and reclaim" stuff...he's a packrat!
Duct tape, what a wonderful invention. It is now packaged in two by six inch pieces with a backing on it for the urban camper!
Duct tape is a must. Camo duct tape is wonderful for geocaching. Velcro also.
ReplyDeleteDuct tape fixes everything! I know someone that had to duct tape their heel to their boot when on the top of a 14er near Buena Vista, CO.