We arrived at the trailhead before 9AM and were on our way by 9:15. We were able to follow an aspen-shaded road that improved into a 2 track and finally into a mere path by the time we reached its end at Fence Spring. This spring produces several pools and a tiny running creek. From there, we went trailless up a steep slope to the Dry Ridge Road. The trailless part wasn’t too bad, mostly through aspen. We did end up getting off and leading the horses the last few hundred yards when the forest became mostly spruce. That part had thick growth, blowdown, and was pretty steep.
There were plenty of open sections, too. We had a clear view of Duck Mountain from a beautiful meadow.
We traveled up to a high lookout point before heading on back down. We found an elk path to follow instead of the steep trailless section we trekked on the way up. That made the downhill trip shorter and easier.
We found a trough on the way down and stopped to give the horses a drink. Water was pouring out of a spigot and Mischief kept backing away from that side. I made him go up anyway because Boss was hogging the other side. Mischief finally stuck his nose in the pouring water and started lapping and slurping it up. I don't know if he'd ever had his own drinking fountain before but he seemed to like it.
Daisy found another tasty deer leg when we reached the trailer. She chewed on it while we unsaddled and loaded the boys. Fortunately, this time Daisy didn't try to get in the truck with her prize. She jumped in the truck without.
Overall, we went 16 miles and 2900 feet vertical in just under 5 hours of travelling time. Mischief and I are a little tired…
Boss looks more muscular than last time I saw him, and Mischief looks as pretty as ever. I forget how he got his name? He is always so good. Daisy looks very noble looking off into the distance.