September 24, 2012

Autumn Paths

Doesn't this lane look inviting? 
The aspens are at their peak in the mountains north of Strawberry Reservoir. 
A photo stitch shows the big  picture.
Every turn in the trail offers another vista.
Here's a view to the south, showing Strawberry Reservoir.
Aspen leaves shower our path with gold.  In a few weeks, all of this will be covered with snow.
We pose as we pass through an "unimproved" campground (can you imagine improving on this?), just a few hundred yards from our trailer. 

September 22, 2012

Autumn Reflections

Aspen's autumn leaves are in their glory right now.  Above, Currant Creek Reservoir reflects the surrounding mountain beauty. 
We rode the valleys above the reservoir and admired nature's fall show. 
Steve, Boss and Daisy surged ahead at times.
Then they all showed off by pretending to take a nap while Mischief and I caught up!
We found a Mormon cricket (actually a katydid), over an inch long. 
A small pond, a gift from our beaver friends, shines with reflected aspen light.

September 17, 2012

Fall Colors

A week ago, the first aspen leaves were turning at 9000 feet. 
Now, a few groves have changed completely. 
Most are bright gold, but some have a reddish tint.
Steve and Boss ride through sage, past an old corral.  The willows along an aptly named Willow Creek are below them.  Aspens, some gold and others still green, decorate the hills above.
Along Willow Creek, only a few purple thistle still bloom.
Yellow Daisy stands beside a yellow serviceberry bush, with a big gray hornet's nest in its branches.  We rode right past that nest.  It's low enough to be a real hazard. Fortunately, it doesn't appear to be active. Note Daisy's orange neckerchief.  We all wear orange from mid-August until the snow falls.  We want the hunters to see us, even if we don't see them!

September 7, 2012

Gateway to the Sky

On a clear day, riding the high country surrounding Currant Creek Peak is like following a path to the sky. 
Boss has a fine view of Mount Timpanogas. 
The cows of ranchers who hold the grazing allottment also enjoy great scenery.  Cows dot the range from late June to early September. 
The meadows are simply vast.  Note that the aspens have not yet changed to gold, but that will happen in the next few weeks. 
A hawk hangs on to the top of a tree even as a brisk wind sways his perch.
Along the little west fork of the Duchesne, we saw this critter.  We can't tell for sure if it's a fox or a coyote because of the distance and blurry photo.  Sheep graze on that side of the range.   A Great Pyrenees guard dog, as big and white as the sheep, chased away the predator as we watched. 
The V at the top of the graffiti chain (rocking V bar?) is the ranch brand seen on the cattle.


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