
June 18, 2011

Taylor Mountain

We reached the top of Taylor Mountain (9900 ft) last week. shown above.   The snow has only recently melted at that altitude. The blue line on the Google Earth map above traces part of our 22 mile loop route.
Daisy found one patch of remaining snow to burrow in.
The horses took a breather at the top.
We took photos of the High Uintas.  Sometime this summer, the snow-capped peaks ( 12,000-13,500 ft.) will become accessible.  Maybe.
On the way down, we saw pasque flowers.
And elk.
The elk saw us, too.  Most of them ran away.
This mama stopped.  Her yearling-sized calf apparently insisted on a quick snack before going anywhere.


  1. It looks as though spring has arrived in the higher reaches. It all looks so fresh and green.

  2. I always enjoy your trail rides especially when there is a map included. Its a guy thing...maps. Those are beautiful flowers but it is hard to tell their true size. Judging by the leaf litter I think they are not as large as they seem. Have a nice Fathers Day.

  3. oh that snow looks we are 103 today here in Texas...

  4. Another good ride. I really like the map and have been trying to figure out how to do that. Any suggestions appreciated. Daisy looks so content burrowed into the snow.

  5. Is that Daisy or a polar bear?

  6. It's been so warm here lately that it's hard to believe there's still a bit of snow at the higher altitudes in mid-June but I I've seen it almost that late in the higher mountains of New England.

    The pasque flowers are among my most favourite flowers but the ones in my gardens are fuzzy seed heads now.

    The elk are beautiful!

  7. ah - gorgeous again! what a great ride (and don't you love google earth).
    I'd be rolling in the snow patch with Daisy!
    This weekend's Strawberry Fields Forever 3-day endurance ride in the Uintahs was cancelled because of too much snow. i did the ride in 2009 and it was lovely.
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  8. Ah, Daisy :)) A pup after my own heart.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Can't believe there is still snow!

  11. I just had to convert these 9900ft and I'm amazed, that's over 3000m. Can you still breathe at that altitude?
    Daisy has no trouble breathing, she buried even her nose in the snow.
    Beautiful pictures Janie.

  12. Beautiful up there.
    I'm you take phones with you when you go out on the trails?
    I'm such a chicken when I go out backpacking....but of course my phone never works way OUT THERE.
    But I'm always wondering what I would do if I needed help....

    Like the fact that there is still snow up there.
    And flowers at the same time:)

  13. Daisy is a little comedienne. :)
    Love those elk and purple flowers too!!!!

  14. What a beautiful ride. I love the pasque flowers and elk!

  15. An impressive ride to say the least. Love the scenery!

    Happy trails :)

  16. Those horses look like they were ready for a breather in that picture. lol The Pasque Flowers are lovely!

  17. lol--maybe winter will leave . . .
    we've decided to camp a little lower down this year since snow is still two or three feet high in our usual camping spot. The elk do look a little raggy this time of year but that one of the nursing calf is just precious. And trust Daisy to find the best way to cool down on a long hard run.
