
March 6, 2011

Morning Has Broken

On the third day, we awoke to a glorious sunrise over the LaSals and a magnificent view. (Click to enlarge).  With that kind of start to the morning, who wouldn't be ready to get out and ride?
We had our own 35 gallon water tank for the horses in the trailer, but it's always good to know where the nearest water source is in dry country.  So, our first task of the day was to check out a couple of springs.  Neither was exactly as shown on the map, but the friendly ranger at Hans Flat had told us where they really were.  He said, as we had already discovered, that almost none of the water sources listed on the maps in the Canyonlands area are actually where they are purported to be on the USGS or National Geographic maps.
Above is Lost Springs.  Since it's impossible to see where the water is until you're on top of it, one would almost have to be Lost to find this spring.
This old trough is the only sign of humans passing this way.
Next, we visited Windy Point Spring.  This one was bigger, with sandstone slopes around most of it. 
The horses and Daisy enjoyed another refreshing respite. 
Then we were off, headed north along the old Spur road, leaving our camping spot and the trailer (center right) far behind.


  1. Hi Janie, this is my second attempt at leaving a comment on your blog. I think blogger is having a problem because it has happened on other blogs over the last few days. So, keeping my fingers crossed that this will not give me another 'service unavailable' error message. Just wanted to say this is another wonderful post and I love these photographs. I was trying to put myself in the shoes of the old pioneers whose lives depended on finding water out there. What an adventurous spirit they must have had, and I feel that you and Steve have that same kind of spirit. It is amazing to me and I am quite envious of these amazing treks you take, along with Daisy and those beautiful horses.

  2. Gorgeous pictures. It does seem like you guys are living the dream...always adventuring into the unknown with horses and a puppy friend. It doesn't get much better than that.

  3. I have to agree about your adventurous spirits. Seems as some new spring mapping should be done. I assume Steve is taking care of that.

  4. Hi Janie, I almost didn't recognize you in your winter riding gear! You look warm in all those layers. Your pics are fabulous and I love the new Header.

  5. What a beautiful place to spend the day....great happy you are out on your adventures again...I so enjoy them..

  6. Looks like you were a little cold, but having fun. Great pictures.

  7. The most beautiful of the scenery. You look a bit cold...hopefully spring will come soon.
    The sunrise photo is amazing.

  8. Hi Janie, I'm so glad that you all headed south this month.. I love that area ---and so glad that you all have shared it with US... I will never forget Canyonlands. Thanks so much!!!!

    Gorgeous sunrise. WOW!!!

  9. We're taking our kids to Southern Utah in 2 weeks! Your posts are getting me so excited to share the beauty of it with them.

  10. You are making me appreciate water even more than I did before.

    I wonder why the maps are not more accurate!

  11. I can't believe how hard core you guys are.

  12. What a glorious sunrise! I'm glad you were able to find the springs even if the maps were wrong. We've had the same problem with some waterfalls.
