
November 13, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Many months ago, Maryann at A Joyful Chaos was kind enough to bestow the One Lovely Blog Award upon me.  Thank you, Maryann!
Belatedly, I'd like to pass it to the following blogs:
Carolyn from Living on the Edge.  Carolyn shares magnificent photos, history, and traditions from Haida Gwaii, Canada. 
Sylvia, from Sylvia from Over the Hill.  Sylvia present stunning photography from the Seattle area and other places she has traveled, as well as offering many humorous posts.
Carol from Photophase.  Carol shares magnificent photos from her home in Ohio.  Her fall foliage captures have been magnificent.

Gaelyn from Geogypsy awarded me the Kreativ Blogger Award, also several months ago.  Thank you, Gaelyn!
While I'm in the groove, I'll pass that one along as well. 
First, I'm supposed to name 7 interesting things about myself.  Hmm.  Interesting is the key, and I'm not sure I've got that many, but I'll try:
1. Since we were youngsters, Steve and I both loved horses.  One of our first dates was going riding.  Many years later, as retired old farts, we have circled back to that early interest.
2.  I grew up as an Air Force brat, living all over the country from Ohio to Louisiana.
3.  Steve and I met in New Orleans at Charity Hospital, where we both worked at the time.
4. We lived for almost 20 years in Louisiana and Texas before migrating west, to Utah. 
5. Steve retired in June.  We haven't had a dull moment since!
6. Our 3 grown children are our pride and joy.  Even though they're spread all over the country, we are fortunate enough to see them fairly often and keep in close touch.
7. We're eagerly awaiting the arrival of our 4th grandchild in December. 

Now, I bestow the Kreativ Blogger award upon:
 Day by Day, My Life as a Busy Bee.  Busy Bee Suz can make even a mundane event hilarious.  She has a real gift for humor.  Stop by.  I promise you'll laugh.
 Yogi's Den.  Yogi, too, can make any story funny.  He also takes some great photos of his geocaching, marathoning, and family adventures.
 Mami's Photo Diary.  Mami lives in Osaka, Japan and generously gives her readers insight into the Japanese culture and way of life. 

Back in July, Bonnie Bonsai from Australia: Quadrat in Focus honored me with the Bella Sinclair Award.  Thanks so much, Bonnie!
I hereby pass this award on to:
Sweetbay, who shares absolutely amazing photos of insects and blooms near her home in North Carolina.
A Hazy Moon. Delwyn gives us magnificent photos, accompanied by inspiring poems and quotes, from her home in New Zealand.

Easy for Me to Say.  Kathleen offers thoughtful and thought-provoking insights into her search for life's meaning.

Feel free to accept these awards, post the logo, and pass them on, but only if you want to.  If you don't have time or would rather not, that's fine, too.   I attach no expectations or demands. 
Each and every one of the blogs I read is praiseworthy. I have several more awards yet to bestow, so I may well get to everyone eventually.  But I've run out of steam for today and probably bored my audience.  I'm off to dig up some photos for Camera Critters.


  1. Congratulations on your richly-deserved awards.

  2. Ah, Janie, thank you. How fun. I am sure looking forward to checking out these blogs. I know it takes work to accept and pass on these shout-outs but it sure seems to help carry on the tradition of connecting us. Much appreciated. Now that I'm finished with the project that ate 2 months of my life, I am looking forward to making the rounds again. I missed you all!!!!


  3. Thank you so much for passing this along to me Janie!!
    I love reading about your start with your hubby....any time you feel the need to tell your story from the beginning, well, you have a big ear here. I love LOVE stories!!!!
    Happy weekend,

  4. I'll have to do some investigating into these blogs.

  5. I stopped by your blog tonight and was so surprised and honored that you had passed the "One Lovely Blog Award" on to me. I'm also honored to be in the company of Carolyn and Carol! I am a great admirer of their blogs as I am yours. Thank you, again! I'm a great fan of your blog as you know and always enjoy keeping up with you, hubby, Daisy and Mischief and your wonderful trips!

    I loved reading the seven things about you and your hubby. I have four kids, one here in Seattle, but the other three are scattered all over the country, too. So, I can relate.

    Thank you again, Janie, it is much appreciated!


  6. Great post - I love your pictures. You seem to have an amazing life filled with many blessings.

    Love to you.

  7. I've left a thank you on my blog, when you get a chance to visit. It's at the top of the page on the right hand side!

    Thanks again, Janie!


  8. If only the award was real hardware: say an Oscar ... they are probably available on EBay?

  9. Congratulations on your well-deserved awards! Enjoyed learning the seven things about you. :D By the way, there is no way you could ever bore your audience! Your blog is always fun, interesting, and a pleasure to read.

  10. Congratulations on your awards you certainly deserve them. Your blog is a must read for me nearly every day. Your writing and photographs of your adventures are very compelling.

    Thanks for the passing one of the awards on to me. I appreciate it very much.

    One of the best things about awards is checking out the blogs of those you pass them on to so I'll be doing that.

  11. Janie, thank you for this award. Funny thing is, I came here to tell you that I have an award for you at my site! I have so much enjoyed your blog as we owned horses when raising the kids but since the empty nest, we have moved to a more animals. I have also enjoyed the seven things about you; and I have just posted the same, so we won't re-do it, but do pick up the award if you would like it on your blog....and thanks so much for your award to me.

  12. Janie, thank you so much for the One Lovely Blog Award and congratulations to you on your awards. Your blog along with Sylvia and several others are regular daily reads and always make my days lighter. Thank you again.
    Smiles and blessings

  13. Thank you for the Bella Sinclair award Janie, and congratulations to you on your three awards. They are very much deserved!
