
July 23, 2009

Trail to the Blue

At the top of the Mill Hollow trail in Indian Canyon, a sign points the way...
to the sky, it seems.
A change of elevation and angle shows that there really is an earthly path, which only proves the importance of perspective!
From my seat on Mishief's back, I took a photo of Steve taking a photo from Boss's back. This makes for a whole lotta movin' and shakin' going on (are you humming the Jerry Lee Lewis tune?) when the horses are stamping at flies or trying to munch some grass.
We snapped plenty of pics, some from in the saddle, some from the ground.
I especially liked Steve's photos of columbines
and long-leaf phlox.
Wild roses, penstemon, and forget-me-nots were also in bloom, along with some kind of currant or gooseberry.
This red flower isn't in any of our flower books. The plant stands maybe 2 feet high, but the flowers are only 1/2 inch in diameter. (Ecorover and Tammie Lee at Spirithelpers suggests it's Hound's Tongue. After checking photos on the internet, I believe he's correct.)
The horses had a chance to taste the tall grass before it was time to follow the sky home.
For lovely views of skies all over the world, click here.


  1. i had to chuckle about the horses chomping and moving about when you are trying to take a photo while in the saddle ^..^
    beautiful captures.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've met some wildflowers recently that no book or expert was able to identify. Lastout 40. this week I didn't count. week I identified ab

  4. What a fun, lovely ride! Beautiful shots! Love the flowers! The horses make me smile, bet they have as much fun as you and Steve!
    Happy SWF! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Love those pictures and the sign towards the sky?? so funny.
    Is the sky there ever gray????
    Seems you have the bluest skies ever!

  6. Very beautiful skies for riding under. Love the shots of the flowers. So much variety on your rides.

  7. Such beautiful sky to point your camera towards.
    Didn't find the unknow flower in my books either.

  8. Oh my! what a wonderful life! Those pretty wild flowers and your amazing energy to live an outdoor life among Nature.

  9. I thought of you and Steve yesterday as I drove through Yellowstone Park with my wife and mother-in-law. The flowers and "alpine vistas" were absolutely breath taking.
    I love the pictures of flowers.

  10. I love that blue gradient sky and that single cloud...nice skywatch! :o)

  11. Wow, outstanding columbine flowers. The tall red plant looks to my eye like Hound's Tongue (maybe Cynoglossum officinale or another C. sp.)--an introduced "weed." There are some similar native species in this Borage family, too.

    I'm really impressed by the tall, lush grass--lucky horses!

  12. Looks like a perfect day to me!! Love the flower photos. especially the white columbines against the dark green leaves...lovely!!

  13. Such beautiful skies and gorgeous scenery where you live...I like the shot of your horse in the tall grass.

  14. Beautiful country where you are. Loved your post.

  15. Would love to be on that trail.

    beautiful incredible


  16. I've always loved all your postings. I'm envious at your beautiful surroundings. Great sky too.

  17. That first photo is so creative Janie and the colours so stunning. I know when I walk with dogs I have a similar sort of challenge...when you're just getting ready to take a photo and the dog decides its time to go! YOurs and Steve's photos are great and what a beautiful ride.

  18. I like the picture of Steve taking a picture but all of them are great. What a beautiful ride.

  19. Beautiful scenes. Thanks for sharing.
    Great shots.

  20. It must be wonderful to take all those trips on horseback! The photos are lovely as ever! Have a great weekend. The sun is shining here now!

  21. What a lovely post! The first picture is just perfect!
    Have a nice weekend, Janie!

  22. Fantastic series of photos once again, you never disappoint.

    Have a great weekend
    Regina In Pictures

  23. Your photos always make me want to move to the mountains, Janie. But I just can not take the cold winters, even though I think that are beautiful beyond words.
    So thanks for letting me enjoy your wonderful world...
    day by day, they just take me away :D

  24. Beautiful blue skies and also great shots of the wildflowers. I'm not familiar with the one you need identified. I noticed someone mentioned hound's tongue, now that's a name I'll remember, ha.

  25. Lovely pictures.You guys are having a great time outdoors!

  26. Really beautiful scenes and a nice looking horse. Very nice shot for SkyWatch Friday.

    Pick a Peck of Pixels

  27. Beautiful indeed.
    Happy skywatching!


    p.s. Pls stop by at Something To Share anytime, I just love company.

  28. Hi Janie,
    I do believe the red flower is Hound's tongue.
    Looks as though you have a wonderful day there, photos are living proof.


  29. Hi Janie !! Fantastic scenery and lovely photos !! I enjoyed this post..Sorry for commenting so late..Now i am back..Unseen Rajasthan

  30. All great photos but the first and the last are my favorites. Beautiful!

  31. Hi Janie, Looks like the perfect way to check out the sky... WOW---your sky is just SO blue. You are so fortunate to live out there and be able to ride "TO" the sky!!!!


  32. You get some great pictures in spite of all the 'moving and shaking going on'! The sky in the first and last pictures is the bluest I've ever seen. It's absolutely gorgeous.

  33. Beautiful!! I haven't seen a flower like that here, but I'd bet that Ecorover is correct.

  34. How beautiful! I like that first one - the sky just looks cleaner and clearer than what most of us normally see.

  35. Oh what gorgeous country you get to romp in ! Could you wrap some of up in a box and ship it over here... I'd love to see some of that out my window tomorrow morning !

  36. Always love coming here and looking at your photos. Wonderful SWF shots. Have a great weekend.

  37. I love the columbines too. They remind me of the big showey ones that grow in Colorado.

  38. I think it is very cool that you have taken the time to learn so many of the flowers and plants.
    Great photographs.
