
May 29, 2018

Thunder Mountain

Thunder Mountain is a popular bike and horseback riding trail in Red Canyon.
It has many beautiful red-orange rock formation,
and pinnacles similar to those found in Bryce Canyon National Park.
Although it's dry land with relatively sparse vegetation, a lot of tree varieties grow there.
Limber Pine
Bristlecone Pine
Besides limber and bristlecone pines that grow on dry, windy passes at about 8000 feet, there are also Ponderosa and pinyon pine.
This Gray Jay, also known as a Camp Robber Jay, is resting on a limber pine in a high pass.  These birds are known for hovering around camps, looking for crumbs, sometimes snatching them right out of a person's hand.
In a spot with hitching rails, designed for riders to take a break, we found this tourist outhouse.  The lack of door seems a bit inconvenient.
The great views made our 9 mile round trip well worth the effort.  


  1. Awsome scenery and ride! Your pictures fully do it justice.
    Those orange-red rocks are always a delightful sight! We have them also, on a lower scale, in our desert area.

  2. Your photos are beautiful. I'm just going to have to find myself a horse the next time we head out west!

  3. A wonderful ride among the red rock spears. I remember seeing an exposed "throne" in the Grand Canyon many years ago when we were backpacking. It looked out to a most spectacular view!

  4. Fantastic shots Janie and the outside loo made me smile.

  5. Wow great views, spectacular more right.

  6. What an amazing looking canyon. That must have been a spectacular hike, from looking at the photos of the views and the environment. Great photos, hope you enjoyed your adventure.
    World of Animals

  7. Beautiful vistas as always. In Minnesota the Gray Jays are only found in the far northern pine forests. They do have the same rep though... sneaky thieves...

  8. Absolutely gorgeous views! I wonder if the door to the outhouse was removed by a person or an animal.

  9. Missing your blog posts Janie and Steve!
