
October 26, 2014

Southern Utah Tour: Lewis Lodge

The ancient ruins of Lewis Lodge are unique and well worth seeing, even if the approach is a bit dicey.  The red arrows drawn near the center of the above view (click to enlarge) show the level where the ruins are found.  The ruins are to the right, along that level. Note the sheer 1000 ft drop from that narrow level to the canyon below.
Steve said the trek is like following a sidewalk.  The only problem is that the "sidewalk" is 6 inches wide with instant death below.  We were very careful.  Daisy had better sense. She refused to follow, and stayed behind whining for us the whole time we explored.
Walking around the toe of the horseshoe shaped canyon was the easy part.
Getting closer.
Does my smile look a little terrified?
I peeked inside the ruins, but didn't go much farther.
Steve and son took a few steps along the sheer cliff to get inside the kiva.
A few pottery shards and tiny corn cobs remain.
A view from the inside shows the scary drop-off.
The forest service provides an information sheet in a steel box, and a book for visitors to sign.
The round trip hike from our parking spot was about 6 miles.  Daisy flopped as soon as she saw the truck. She was exhausted, probably more from the mental anguish of watching her human friends do stupid stuff than from the actual hike!


  1. You're all much braver than I would be, but the ruins are fantastic, as is the setting.

  2. Woooooooo--scary one!!!! I would love to see the ruins --but would not 'try' to make that hike. BUT--we took a couple of steep hikes this past week too (just not THAT scary)....

    Gorgeous area and I admire you all for doing it.


  3. Actually, I hyperventilated while reading/seeing the photos! I'm not too good with narrow ledges and steep drop-offs! I would have stayed behind and whined with Daisy. Thanks for taking me via the photos!

  4. An awesome site to visit but that "sidewalk" does look a little dicey. Daisy was very smart. Glad the FS offers that information. A shame that people have removed artifacts.

  5. What a find. I don't think that I would have attempted the 6" sidewalk.

    My Dad was on the staff of the Manti LaSalle back in the early 60's. We'd go camping down by Monticello every once in a while and we would go hiking and he would point out the various small cliff dwellings that he knew about. There were several of them and they all looked pretty inaccessible to me.

  6. I'm exhausted just from reading about your hike ;D That was a great find.

  7. As someone who is afraid of heights I can say that I would not have visited those ruins! LOL Looks like a spectacular site though. The sheet left by the Heritage Team was interesting too.

  8. Love that panoramic view. Ya'll were brave to do this hike! :)
    I bet Daisy was ready for a good long rest!


  9. Wow - awesome! I had never heard of this one. I might have waited with Daisy at the truck. I am always amazed at the 'hand and toe hold' paths described to some of these ruins.
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  10. I'm with Daisy….I was mentally drained thinking of the three of you on those skinny ledges! Yikes. You're braver than I; but the finds were delightful!
