
September 7, 2012

Gateway to the Sky

On a clear day, riding the high country surrounding Currant Creek Peak is like following a path to the sky. 
Boss has a fine view of Mount Timpanogas. 
The cows of ranchers who hold the grazing allottment also enjoy great scenery.  Cows dot the range from late June to early September. 
The meadows are simply vast.  Note that the aspens have not yet changed to gold, but that will happen in the next few weeks. 
A hawk hangs on to the top of a tree even as a brisk wind sways his perch.
Along the little west fork of the Duchesne, we saw this critter.  We can't tell for sure if it's a fox or a coyote because of the distance and blurry photo.  Sheep graze on that side of the range.   A Great Pyrenees guard dog, as big and white as the sheep, chased away the predator as we watched. 
The V at the top of the graffiti chain (rocking V bar?) is the ranch brand seen on the cattle.


  1. The view from the peak is absolutely spectacular. The meadow in your fourth photo seems to go on forever. You got a great picture of the hawk. Thank you for taking us along with you through this beautiful country.

  2. Pathway to the sky. What a neat metaphor. I love it... and the pictures.

  3. Wow, Janie - these views of Mount Timpanogas and the vast meadows are fabulous - it does look like you could touch the sky!

  4. Wow, what a gorgeous day for a ride. The hawk looks healthy, it probably finds all sorts of good things to eat in the meadows.

  5. You and Steve are so at home on the mountain trails. Thank you for sharing the beauty.

  6. that is a great title for this post and I am leaning to coyote because of the bushiness of the tail.

  7. Such a wonderful path to sky and views. Our aspen have a few small clumps of color.

  8. Wow---what a gorgeous place. You all had a fabulous ride.. The meadows are just so beautiful... AND I love seeing Mt. Timpanogas in the background... Won't be long til there's snow on that mountain..

  9. Such views do take one's breath away. Glad to see you guys are safety first with the orange.

    I find the Pyrenees guard dogs fascinating. I've seen them in Idaho.

  10. Absolutely gorgeous always! Have a great day!

  11. The vastness of those meadows is amazing - huge expanses under a huge and glorious sky.

  12. beautiful as usual! oooh I am so excited, I saw the first yellow leaves on a cottonwood tree!!!!!!! We don't have aspens down here on the desert, but the cottonwoods can give them a run for their money.
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  13. I hope the cow appreciate how lucky they are to have such beautiful views.

    Even though the aspens are still green, it looks like fall there. ...Or maybe the fact that my office is cooler than yesterday makes me think that. ;))

  14. Beautiful photographs, wonderful views. I am greeting

  15. Looks like it was a perfect day. The vistas are so inviting!

  16. That first photograph takes the cake.
    It is really a gateway to the Sky.
