
July 29, 2010

Hidden Signs and People Sightings

Last weekend, we drove to a trailhead leading to several large parks in the High Uintas.  (Corral Park with Marsh Peak in the background is shown above.)
The parking was a bit gnarly:
The trail was faint and rugged in places: 
And the Forest Service signage was well-hidden by trees, never to be seen unless you knew exactly where you were going to begin with:
But the parks (not city-type improved parks, just big open meadows in the mountains)
were beautiful, once we found them.  Boss surveys Big Park:
And Mischief looks pretty at the entrance to Corral Park:
Elephant head, one of my favorite wildflowers because of its unique shape) bloomed in the marshy areas:
Surprisingly, we saw some other riders!  They had pack horses and must have been out for a few days over July 24th (big Utah Pioneer Day holiday) weekend. 
We spotted their little dog first. The pup tried to jump up on my stirrup. When his owner came along, we found that the dog expected to be lifted up into the saddle for a ride.  Here they are riding away after our encounter near Fish Lake: 
Daisy didn't care about fishing, but she did opt for a swim.


  1. That Daisy - always in the mood for a swim! I like Elephant Head, too - looks just like its name!

  2. Hi Janie, Another beautiful day for you!!!! Love those BLUE BLUE skies!!!

    The Elephant Head is gorgeous... I've seen pictures of it--but never knew its name.

    I knew when I saw that water that Daisy would be in it... Sure enough--she was!!!!! ha

    Thanks for a great post.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What do you know? Other riders! Looks like a beautiful ride.

  5. That's an interesting rock pile. Those alpine meadows (plus riding through one on a horse) is about as scenic as it could ever get (and I'm just going by the photo!). Finally back from Belgium. Florida never looked so good.

  6. beautiful parks . . . Utah is famous for them. I love that purple flower too. My son-in-law back packed into the moon lake area last week (for the 24th)

  7. Another beautiful ride, it must be so pleasant to meet other riders in those remote areas. Mischief DOES look pretty at that entrance.

  8. Such beautiful ride. Awesome captures.
    Love the last one.

  9. Enjoyed all of the images of your ride in the mountains, and especially the last one. =)

  10. 'The parking was a bit gnarly' - something of an understatement there!
    I love the shot over Boss's ears - just perfect. What a lovely area to visit. It's good to be alone but it must have been a pleasant change to encounter other riders.

  11. Sure does look like rugged country. Good thing you have a big truck and sturdy horses. I'll bet Daisy didn't approve of this little dog wanting to ride. How silly when one can enjoy a refreshing swim instead.

  12. I love your non-city type parks. The scenery is absolutely gorgeous in all of these pictures. I'm glad Daisy was able to get in a swim. I guess that means the trip was a big success as far she is concerned.

  13. It must have been a surprise to see other people when you were expecting complete solitude!

  14. It's been a while since I've seen you in the saddle. It looks like you've been getting in some nice rides.

  15. The countryside you and Steve roam around is breathtaking, Janie.
    I hope it stays that way so future generations can enjoy the natural beauty of Utah.
