
February 9, 2010

Delicious Delicacy

D is for deprived.
A defiantly dirty Daisy detects an opportunity and, with daring deception, leaps into the truck with a detached deer leg dangling from her dentition.  She is proud of this deceit and hopes no one will notice the deed.  
She discovered the deer part already detached, dead, and demobilized, and is hoping to devour her dainty and delectable discovery.  
Oh, drat.  Her daydream will be dashed, her delusions deflated.  Who knew humans did not desire a deer dividend decorating their truck?
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  1. LOL! so many of our dogs growing up looked just like that. Filthy but happy with a deer leg in their mouths. classic picture--enjoy daisy :)

  2. Poor Daisy! They just don't understand why their humans aren't absolutely delighted with them, do they? We lost Frodo for hours inside a deer carcase (The Adventures of Frodo #8)a few years ago.
    Daisy will remember where she found it and return to the spot I'll be bound ;-)

  3. What I want to know, Janie, is HOW you got it away from Daisy...... Hmmmmmm!!! Poor Daisy--she thought she had a special treat to take home and put on her pillow!!!! ha


  4. Now that's got to be the cutest dang guilty dog look I ever did see!

  5. And to think you didn't fancy a nibble on such a delicacy?! Shocking...reminds me a bit of when my grandmother's terrier disembowelled a rabbit at tea time (we were outside and luckily I have a strong stomach).

    Molly looks the same when I bring her home from Dog Beach ... which is why we usually WALK there and back.
    Hugs and blessings,

  7. I love it!! Daisy looks so delighted with her find! What a fun post for the D day, Janie! Can't beat the doggies when it comes to being adorable! Mojo said to tell Daisy that she'd be glad to help her with the next deer leg!!

    Enjoy your day!


  8. PRICELESS! I hope she didn't attempt to devour YOUR arm when you wrestled it away from her!

  9. That cute and funny. Poor deer!!!
    I suppose a bath was in the works not much after this photo. :)

  10. What a fun bunch of D words. Poor Daisy being denied her trophy. (:0)

  11. Oh, my gosh, Janie - you've made my day! Just the look on Daisy's face says it all - and your use of "D" is hilarious!

  12. oh Daisy....when my son was in 1st grade unbeknownst to us...took a deer leg to school for show and tell...he had gone on his 1st hunting trip with my hubby...he taped the end up with electrical tape...

  13. Hahaha! Poor, poor Daisy! She under-estimated you, Janie. While you can think like a dog, alas, she cannot think like a human. DRAT! :)

  14. Dear depressed Daisy. How sad she must be to have her treasure taken away! Great D.

  15. It's difficult to imagine Daisy deprived of much of anything, except a detached dead deer leg. Yuck! Carson would have tried that too.

  16. Oh that Daisy! She does look as happy as a clam, or cut that, I mean as "happy as a dog with a deer leg."

  17. And Daisy said, "I'll be damned!"

    You sure spoiled her fun.

  18. That post was priceless. At first I thought it was just an old stick... I love her sad face.

  19. OK, I'm trying again. How about:

    Dandy Daisy Delightedly Devours a Deer Leg.

    I responded too viscerally to the photograph earlier. Our dogs have done similar things.

  20. Oh noooo! She must have been so pleased with herself, only to have hopes dashed. :)

  21. Oh noooo! She must have been so pleased with herself, only to have hopes dashed. :)

  22. It doesn't look to good to me but I'm sure a treat for him.

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  23. the dog goes bark. Or the dog chews bark. Or...

  24. Poor Daisy! It sounds as if she had to give up her trophy. And she looks so contented with her find.

  25. Oh Janie, I can't imagine a better grouping of "D"!

  26. Daisy picked up a little "fast food" to share with the rest of you. Just wanting to do her part of hunting and gathering! =D

  27. Daisy will remember where she found it and return to the spot I'll be bound ;-)

    Work From Home

  28. LOVE it! Nothing says, "I am the happy proud dog of the universe" like a rotten old deer leg. Well, maybe a rotten old fish (to roll in) along the river...

  29. That is hilarious! She really thought she could sneak that home!

  30. Oh my gosh! And look at that innocent face...poor Daisy! Lucy musn't see that or she'll be jealous for sure! Great pic.

  31. Oh what a delicious laugh-out-loud this gave me. Daisy is so danged cute and funny, although I'm sure the deer leg in the car wasn't one of her most endearing moments. :)

  32. D'Ora, my doggy, fits into the pattern well: delicious delicacy is something that the Italien doggy understands...
