
November 19, 2009

Baum to the Spirits

The skies were mostly blue on a recent ride to Baum Lake (just off of the Tworoose Pass Trail, the scene of our recent Wrong Way Janie disorientation debacle).  The lake was frozen.  Breaking the thick ice to give Daisy and the horses a chance to drink was a challenge.
We managed to ride 19 miles and almost 4000 feet elevation gain and loss without misplacing anyone! 
This was November 10th at 10,500 feet.  As you can see, no snow.  Everyone seems to be looking a different direction, taking in a different view. 
Not too shabby, any way you look.
For a peek at skies from all over the world, click here.


  1. Stunning views as far as the eye can see! I like the white bark of the aspens. They look beautiful even without their leaves.

  2. Beautiful views all over the landscape!!

  3. Fantastic! As Carol wrote, stunning views as far as you can see. And the aspens are gorgeous even without leaves -- how of us can say that these days! Looks as though Daisy and the horses are having a great day, too! Thanks for sharing the ride, as always! My adventure for the day!

    Stay warm!


  4. You always have the best vistas! Wondering if without a horse I'd be able to get a breath hiking up to that altitude? :)

  5. Beautiful! And what an appropriately named lake. (Baum is what we call a tree in Pennsylvania Dutch.)

  6. Not to shabby for sure, Janie... Wow!!!! That was on November 10... What does it look like today, Nov. 19???? Snow yet???? I hope not--so that you all can get more 'high' elevation riding in.

    Gorgeous photos and view.

  7. Ice on the water? Can't be, you live in Utah!!! I love your pictures. Thanks.

  8. Great series!
    Beautiful place and landscape!

  9. Not too shabby at all!!!! Great that you had to 'break the ice'.
    Have a great day Janie!

  10. Fantastic as always, the first pic should be framed and hung on a cottage wall.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures

  11. Perfect pictures. I love especially the grove of aspen trees.

  12. Beautiful views up there but a chilly ride. I could hike that landscape for hours.

  13. What a lovely place for a horseback ride. However, it makes me kinda short of breath just thinking about the altitude. Very well done.

  14. Wonderful views and pretty skies. Grreat skywatch photos.

  15. Glad to see you're still able to get out and ride. Wow, 10,000 ft and no snow. Lucked out there. Did you use duct tape to break the ice. ;-)
    Great views as usual Janie.

  16. i love the sceneries, so beautiful.

  17. I'd say, not too shabby at all. That's an interesting little pond, I'm curious how it formed. Is it always wet there (as in, is it deep), or did recent rains pool there?

  18. At first I thought, no way did Janie make a spelling error! And it wasn't. Nice post. I'm dazzled by the number of rides you have made this year.

  19. Beautiful sky and mountains! It must have been cold if the ice was hard to break. Thanks for taking us along on your ride.

  20. How lucky were you to enjoy that scenery, and do it on a ride!

    Lovely sky's!

  21. It must have been a really great ride.

  22. Beautiful countryside! These are really great shots and such lovely views!

  23. Every ride is so rich and unique! No wonder you love spending so much time in the saddle! I would to if I lived close to those mountains... :-D

  24. Wonderful photos as always. The first one with the frozen lake is breathtaking beautiful.
    Have a nice weekend!

  25. As I mentioned way back in the past, I envy you, in a good way :)

    You're at a wonderful location!

    Long-tailed Shrike

  26. What a wonderful way to travel on the back of a horse and in such magnificent surroundings. I wonder, how long does it take you to ride 19 miles? Great photos, always love them.

  27. Amazingly beautiful! I love the white bark of the aspen trees.

  28. Hi

    This is one gorgeous area! Thank you for sharing these photos and also for your comment on my SWF host photo!

  29. Spectacular scenes! I like the one where everyone is looking in different directions.

  30. The last photo just radiates serenity - perhaps reflecting your non lost state of mind? :)

  31. I'm so glad you allow us to virtually visit your lovely surroundings with you as you take your rides. Thanks ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  32. The view is spectacular from that elevation. I guess the horses don't have trouble working that hard that high up? I think I'd be huffing and puffing.

  33. The trees from behind the slope against the mountains and sky.... Wow... Really an amazing view...

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  34. I think Daisy was watching Steve's back, just to make sure a bearrr didn't sneak up behind him.

  35. There are several shades of blue in the last one! Beautiful!

  36. Love the photo of everyone taking in a different view, Janie. We're at Park City now and no snow here either! We enjoyed SL - nice weather there, too.

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