
February 22, 2009

Where Eagles Nest

Sunny skies today, and temperatures in the 40's. We rode in the Cedars again. The snow is getting thin, even in the shady spots, and it's mostly gone in the sun. When Daisy got hot, she took advantage of a snow patch for a good roll down a little hill on her back.

We explored a new canyon where Steve, of the eagle eyes, spotted something on the cliffs.
Lots of twigs were piled up, about 4 feet in diameter. The plethora of bird droppings indicate a large bird of some kind has nested there.
What do you think? A golden eagle, maybe? It's too early for nesting, so we'll have to go back when the weather warms and see what we can see.
Eagle-eye Steve also spotted this small petroglyph.
I think it looks like two people holding hands. It was located on a flat rock panel immediately above a boggy area with cattails growing in it, indicating year-round water. With an appropriate panel near reliable water, we're always on the lookout for rock art.
Here's a creek we crossed coming and going. If you click on the photo to enlarge, you'll see a tiny star of light in the stream. I thought it was cool.
We rode 11 miles in 2.5 hours with 1000 feet of elevation gain, a good exercise outing for all. No shoes or boots for the horses today. We're aiming to go barefoot as much as possible this year.


  1. Wow i want to come riding with you, such a beautiful country side you share.... My Princess also loves to roll in the snow when she can.
    Beautiful photos

  2. What a great day's ride. Hope the nest gets used, and you get pics of it in the future. The petroglyphs are awesome. I agree, it looks like two people holding hands. Thanks for sharing. I haven't ridden in years, so it's great fun to go along with you.

  3. What a wonderful ride, loved going along with you, thank you for this interesting post. I also thought that little star was a very cool capture and an exciting find.

  4. How exciting that you can still find petroglyphs hidden in out-of-the-way, non-tourist areas of nature, if only you take the time to look. The final photo is both breathtaking and full of adventure's possibilities. The star adds the perfect finishing touch to the tale of your trail ride.

  5. I love the water star too! Looks like a very good ride with lots of treasures.

  6. Sounds like a great day in the mountains, Janie. I'll be interested in finding out what HUGE bird enjoyed that nest. Hope you can find out sometime.

    I love that picture of you on the horse and of Daisy rolling down the hill. Too Cute!!!

  7. What a paradise! The ride in the mountains and the beautiful scenery. Wonderful photographs.

  8. I always enjoyed driving by vehicle out west when I lived there (Tucson), but seeing you photos and reading your story I see that there is no better way than on a horse. I enjoyed hiking too.

  9. wow how wonderfully adventurous!

  10. amazing - i am so jealous!

  11. What a great day! I like the petroglyph, too.
