
January 9, 2010

Utah Blues

Mountain Bluebird, male
Mountain bluebird, female.
(We saw numerous bluebirds in our yard and flitting around the pasture in late autumn.)
 Steller's jay (This jay was hanging out at our campsite in the mountains last summer.  He was hoping for some leftovers, I think.
For more camera critters, click here.


  1. Such a sweet little blue bird in the first shot!
    Love the female perched among the branches - nice composition Janie.

  2. What beautiful birds! You are lucky they visit there!

  3. That little female in the middle is stunning. I think you could sell that shot (or win a contest) or get in a calendar. There's peace there, and I could stare at it all day. Thank you, Janie!

  4. Some beautiful shots, you must have some great wildlife there. Thanks for sharing Janie:)

  5. I just love your Western birds! Saw a Stellar's Jay on a trip to Colorado. Hope to return sometime to catch a Mountain Bluebird. Thanks for sharing your local birds for those of us who consider them exotic!

  6. You have gorgeous blues all around you! These are fantastic captures of your bluebirds and jay. Really like the one of the female; she's perfectly framed among all the branches. Not an easy feat - at least for me!

    I have a Camera Critter post this week, too.

    Hope you have a great weekend~

  7. Janie,

    Just lovely! I think the Mountain blues are my favorite!

  8. Just beautiful...Wordless!

    Janie,come to my blog please,to recive an award!



  9. Oh how pretty, Janie... His blue is a different shade of blue from our Eastern Bluebirds. You really did capture some great 'blues' in this post. Wow!!!!

  10. pretty blue birds...we just have blue jays here and they can be quite mean...

  11. They are all gorgeous...nice to see some BLUE on a gray day!!

  12. Mountain Bluebirds are such a beautiful shade of torquoise blue. It always reminds me of the Mediterranean, which would not be a bad place to be right now!

  13. You got some great shots of your Utah blues. I really like the picture of the female bluebird.

  14. great shots--I also love the pinion jay and how they flit along in a long bunchy line--all rising and falling on the currents in a group and wheeling in the same direction in a single moment.

  15. Beautiful bluebird, Janie, what a nice capture, we hardly ever see bluebirds here

  16. You always have so many comments on your blog! And no wonder. Fun posts about some of the most beautiful mountains in the world. The mountain bluebird is Idaho's state bird, but they seem to like the mountains more than the potato country where I am. The stellar jay is another very handsome bird. Seen a few. Your photo is excellent.

  17. Really beautiful shot, the blu bird is amazing

  18. Your Mountain Bluebird is so pretty. Great photos of both the Bluebird and the Jay.

  19. cute birds..their color blended with the sky..awesome shots

    I got a snake

  20. Janie: the bluebirds are beautiful but that Jay is a stellar shot.

  21. Sometimes stellar jays show up at the feeder, but not recently. Funny we posted blue birds at about the same time!

  22. It is the bird which wore very bright colors.

    Thank you for showing a wonderful view.

  23. I have never seen a steller jay before. It looks quite different from the blue jays seen here. Do you have blue jays too?

  24. The bluebird is lovely. I've seen them rarely in my life. Stellar jays I've seen in my travels out west.

  25. Lovely blue birdies you've captured here and marvelous shadows in the your other post. I've fallen behind with my sister in town because I'm spending less time at the computer ... so today I'm doing what I can to catch up.
    Hugs and blessings,
