
October 31, 2008

Haunted Yesteryears

Superman and the Alien ('81):

In the mists of time ('85):

Dastardly pirate ('85):
Darth Vader:
Darth and the Witch:
Bunny, Dracula, and Top Gun('87):
Silly Wabbit ('87):
Hobo and Ladybug ('88):

Surgeon and Ladybug:

A motley crew ('88):
Zombie Girl Walks ('90):

Rock Star and Cat ('91):

Two Kitties:
Hans and Franz ('91):

Grim Reaper ('92):

Goin' Vampin' ('96)

The Nerd ('03):

The Devil made him do it:

Einstein ('06):
Arrrgh ('06):

In the Pirate's Lair ('06):

Little Cuties ('07):

Stolen Kiss ('04):

Fairy Dusted:

Trailer Park Trash ('07):
(OMG, is this really my daughter?!!)


  1. LOL.. that is a great post! Such cute pictures, especially the kid ones. I'm in my costume right now at work, with a cat wedged up my butt. It is awesome.

  2. Those are AWESOME pictures. The kids had a great time looking at Seth's old costumes--we especially liked the ghost costume. Too funny.

  3. i saw this a while ago but never commented on what a wonderful collection it is!

    i guess you're keeping folders with these pics somewhere? i hope google has (or comes up with) some good way of archiving whole blogs.
