
May 21, 2008

Migratory Birds

Today I saw a black-headed grosbeak at the feeder, my first sighting of this migratory bird.

The lazuli buntings are still around, as well as the red-winged blackbirds and the finches.

Yesterday I filled a hummingbird feeder and put it in an aspen tree in the side yard. No birds yet. According to online sources, they should be back from the southlands by now, so maybe they'll appear soon.

The rest of my time has been occupied with setting up two electric cross fences for the pasture. This will allow us to rotate the horses through three areas, better preserving the grass. Right now, the grass is so deep that it seems impossible that they could consume it all, but a little over 4 acres of grass is not excessive for 2 horses, so they might.

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